Saturday, April 28, 2012

Online Revision for SA English Paper 1

Dear all,

As next Tuesday is a public holiday, time is running out for ample revision for your English papers. As a result, I will also use the blog as an extra platform for revision. So do visit the blog regularly for updates and for useful tips.

[ Situational Writing ] 

The most common formats would be writing an email, announcement or note.

Take note of the structure as posted in my previous posts. Remember to state the purpose and have paragraphing.

[ Composition Writing ]

Composition is an important part of paper 1. Let us go through the main points of writing a composition again.

1. It must be in formal english - that means no short forms as far as possible, no broken english, no singlish, no incomplete sentences.

2. You must have at least 4 paragraphs - Introduction, Plot/event (can be split into two paragraphs), Problems and Conclusion. You can have more paragraphs if you have more events to write about.

3. Elaborate on your introduction. Give a good build up to the main plot/events.
e.g 1
The golden rays of the scorching sun shone through the windows as the shrill ring of my alarm clock startled me and jerked me awake. I scampered for the bathroom to get myself ready for today, the most important day of my life. It was the day of my soccer finals and my heart was pounding heavily as I dreamed of holding the championship trophy in my arms. 

e.g 2
"Beep! Beep! Beep!" I was taken aback as the blaring sounds of the honking of the cars kept replaying in my ears. It was exactly one year since that traumatising experience occurred and had almost robbed me of my precious life. Since then, I developed a phobia of the honking of cars and swore to avoid it as much as I could. 

It was a Sunday night like any other given day. The beaming moon hung in the night skies as thin veils of clouds surrounded it. Fresh air filled my lungs as my family and I were walking home after a night's out at Serangoon Shopping Centre. The five of us, father, mother, John, Sally and I were conversing merrily as we reached the pedestrian crossing. The green man was flashing brightly and we then made our way across the road. Just then, the shrill screeching sounds of the tyres pierced through the air as our mouths lay wide open upon witnessing the sight in front of us. 

Make sure you separate each event into a paragraph and your paragraph should not be too short (only one sentence).

4. Give your characters a name instead of calling him 'that boy'.

5. Describe your characters. 'John, who wore thick black spectacles, was hurrying down the corridor. ' 'Roger, the bandit, had a deep scar across his left cheeks with long scruffy hair that reached his shoulders. He was dressed in an oversized stripe t-shirt with blue shorts and a pair of worn out shoes. He walks with a noticeable limp.'

6. Develop your characters and have a proper ending for them.

7. Please give a proper conclusion What is the resolution of the story? There should be a solution and perhaps, lessons to be learnt.

For those with difficulty in your spelling and grammar, try to cut down on too much use of flowery sentences and difficult vocabulary. It is good to stick to simple sentences and then add in a few flowery sentences and good vocabulary words. If you can get most of your spelling, tenses and vocabulary right, it will help you in your scoring for language. Most of you do badly for your language component which will then pull down your marks greatly. So take note of this. If you find yourself not confident in using deep vocabulary words, stick to simple words like 'happy, excited, sad' rather than mis-spelling the word.

8. Punctuations are important. Do not link too many sentences together.
e.g The alarm clock rang as Peter woke up to brush his teeth, Peter made his way across the park to get to school and he stopped by a shop to purchase some snacks first, he then went up to his classroom. The commas in red should be a fullstop instead.

For conversation, this is a common mistake. Please take note of conversations when you want to use a speech.

Quotation marks (single or double) are used to show words that are directly spoken (direct speech). Only the words actually being quoted are enclosed by speech marks. 
For example:-"Could everyone sit down please," said the teacher.
Another general rule is to use a comma after the introduction to quoted speech or writing.

For example:- 
Jamie said, "I love you."
Sometimes when writing a spoken sentence it is split in two. The speech marks must then be placed at the beginning and end of each part of the sentence. Commas are used to separate the spoken part from the rest of the sentence.
For example:-"I wonder," she said quietly, "whether people will ever truly understand each other."
However if you need a question mark or exclamation mark the markers that punctuate the quoted words are enclosed by the speech marks.
Spot the difference:-
"I don't understand," replied Nathan.
Nathan replied, "I don't understand."

"Do you understand?" asked Nathan.
Nathan asked, "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand!" shouted Nathan.
Nathan shouted, "I don't understand!"

Dear parents,

For Monday, there is extra supplementary provided by the chinese teacher and me too. The purpose is to revise through with students for their SA1 papers next week. I seek your understanding in letting your children to stay on till 3.30pm.

1.30pm - 2.30pm - Chinese
2.30pm - 3.30pm - English

If you have any extra activities during this period, do try to push them back as far as possible. :)

Study hard and all the best.
Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dear all,

[ Reminders ]

Spelling Test Unit 6 is on for tomorrow. Please study hard!

Last day for your group points tomorrow.

[ Key Message ]

A group is a bunch of people who stick closely together to help one another along to complete a task/tasks. A class is also a group. As a class we are one big group. Every single group makes up a class. As a result, we do not jeer, do not purposely sabotage or put down others from other groups. We should motivate one another. I know that every one of us has a competitive spirit, to want to do the best we can. But it is more important in focusing on the process rather than too much on the end result. If we jeer, cheat, sabotage and put down others just to reach the end destination, then the end result is of no value. That is what I want to teach each and every one of you here. Rule #1: We are a family. We will get there, no matter how long it may take to perfect this.

[ English ]

We have almost reached the end of the syllabus for English for term 2. Filing wil be done tomorrow and returned to you. So you can revise through the compositions and situationa writing for SA1.

For Situational Writing, do take note of these pointers.

- Writing an e-mail.

Dear __________,

       How are you? State the purpose. (Points 1 - 3)

       (Points 4 - 6)

       Thank the person if needed and write your conclusion.

Yours Truly/Sincerely,

- Writing an announcement

Dear _____________,

        State the purpose. (You can leave out the 'How are you?') (Points 1 - 3)

        (Points 4 - 6)

        Write your conclusion.

Yours Truly / Regards,
________________ (Name)
________________ (Position in organization if any)

- Writing a note

Dear __________,

       How are you? State the purpose. (Points 1 - 3)

       (Points 4 - 6)

       Write your conclusion.

Yours Truly/Sincerely,

[ Science ]

We are onto day 4 of our hydrilla and water pollution experiment. here are the photos as promised.

                      Hydrilla wth Pond water Day 4

                           Hydrila with Oil Day 4

              Hyrilla with detergent Day 4

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dear all,

[ Reminders ]

Please bring your Blood Pressure monitors tomorrow without fail. This is to facilitate the testing for the classes tomorrow.

Spelling Unit 6 this Friday.

Pass up your revision worksheets by this friday if you can if not, all must bring their papers on next Monday!

Bring your FTGP book tomorrow for the lesson.

Thank You,
Mr. Nelson Ong

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week 6 Begins soon

Dear all,

[ homework for the weekend ]

Please complete your picture composition by Monday, 23rd April.

[ video links for the weekend ]
Here are the links for the complete documentary on Christian the lion, a heartwarming story about animals and humans. In tune with our topic on save the world, remember that animals are not meant to survive in captivity. We mostly cage them up for our own personal entertainment. But we may also keep them in captivity to protect some of the endangered species of animals which may be hunted and poached in the wild. Remember to protect the animals, which are part of the world we live in. Click on the link below to open the videos in a new window. There are 5 parts.

Part 1 Christian the Lion
Part 2 Christian the Lion
Part 3 Christian the Lion
Part 4 Christian the Lion
Part 5 Christian the Lion

[ Vocabulary words for you ]

captivity -> the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.
poach -> to illegally steal animals or to hunt.

[ Water, our precious resource ]

As we start on the last topic for term 2 on Science, take the time to first reflect on the importance of saving water and keeping our water source clean and polluted-free. We learn that our body is made up of a huge amount of water. Water is vital for our survival, not just for quenching our thirst. It helps our body to function, especially for the respiratory and circulatory system. Note the functions of water in these systems. 

Circulatory system read up ->
Respiratory system read up ->

Water is also important for plants to survive. Roots take in water for the plant. Water is one of the important conditions together with air and warmth for seeds to germinate. Also, plants take in carbon dioxide, sunlight and water in order to photosynthesize to make food for the plants (producing sugar and oxygen).

[ water pollution ]

How then, do we not pollute the waters? Take note of the ways to save water and stop pollution. Also note the effects of water pollution. Water pollution will affect the marine life. If water is polluted, it will affect our food source. It will cause living organisms such as fish and plants to die. It will affect the food chain. Humans will also be affected.

3 ways to not pollute the water:

1. Do not litter into the water.
2. Do not dump waste into the drains.
3. Reuse and recycle your oil and pesticides.

3 ways to save water:

1. Do not leave the tap on when you are soaping off.
2. Reuse the left over water from washing clothes to wash the floor.
3. Use pails to wash the car rather than to use a hose.

[ Oral examination tips ]

1. The biggest fear that most children have about this is that they would come across a word that they don’t know how to read. Firstly, attempt to read the word but do not pause. The reason for attempting is that you may have a chance of getting the word right. And you must not pause so that the flow of reading is not affected. Usually, if the child is unable to read only 1 word, the teacher would not penalise him too severely.

2. Be loud and clear. I can’t stress this enough. The oral examination is also an assessment of how confident the child is. You may have two equally good readers but one is louder and more confident than the other.

3. Articulate the end-consonant of the word clearly. This would be referring to the ‘-s’, ‘-k’, ‘-t’, ‘-d’ and even the ‘-l’ sounds. I’ve seen too many candidates who simply ‘swallow’ these sounds up so the candidate who does articulate these sounds would be rewarded amply.

Picture Discussion
For Picture Discussion, just remember the D.I.E.O approach.

Please note that the present tense is to be used when discussing the picture.

The first statement usually indicates the venue that the picture is depicting. It generally takes one of the following forms: · This is a hospital. OR · This picture shows the scene at a hospital. OR · This picture depicts a hospital.

4. D is for describing the picture. This is the part that most children can do relatively well. They will be able to tell the examiner what the characters in the picture are doing. What the candidate can do to outperform his peers is to embellish his descriptions with more details. Instead of saying what the characters are doing, he could add in more information like what the characters are wearing or where they are. For example, instead of simply saying ‘A girl is throwing the wrapper on the ground.’, he can say ‘The girl in a striped dress is throwing the wrapper on the ground.’

5. I is for interpreting the picture. Interpret the actions and feelings of the characters in the picture. e.g The girl looks happy.

6. E is for elaborating or explaining. Give statements to support your interpretation. Develop your point. Convince the examiner on the statement you made in your interpretation. e.g The girl looks happy with the expressions on her face. She is smiling. I think that she feels that way because of the gift she received from her parents during the birthday party.

7. O is for opinion. Opinions would refer to judgment; whether what a character is doing is ‘right’, ‘wrong’, ‘dangerous’, ‘inconsiderate’, ‘kind’, ‘helpful’, etc. They should also be able to support their judgment by explaining why it is so. For example, ‘In my opinion, the girl will remember this party for a long time with the many gifts she has received. If I were her, I would also feel happy receiving so many gifts. A birthday is a joyous occasion in which you hope to celebrate with your loved ones and friends. It is meant to be a happy day!’

Candidates are given 5 minutes to prepare before they see the examiner. However, what they would only see during those 5 minutes are the Reading passage and the Picture. This means that they would have no idea what the Conversation topic is. The children’s biggest fear is that they would be speechless after the examiner has asked them the question. Not to worry. In the PSLE oral examinations, the Reading passage is linked to the picture by a common topic and the Conversation would be centred around this common topic. In other words, it is possible for the candidate to guess what the Conversation topic is by studying the Reading passage and picture closely.

8. During Conversation, if the question leads to a ‘Yes/No’ answer, support your answer by listing the reasons which prompted you to choose that answer. The more elaborate your answers, the better you will do.

9. If it is an open-ended question (like ‘What sports do you enjoy?’), use the ‘wh- words’ to structure your response. The ‘wh- words’ are: · Who (who do you do the sport with?) · What (what sport do you enjoy?) · Where (where would you do this sport?) · Why (why do you like it?) · When (when would you do it?) Of course the points could be reordered to give your response a smoother or more logical flow.

Remember to use the structure > INTRODUCTION > Your Points with elaboration and explanation > CONCLUSION.

10. Always speak in grammatical and complete sentences. In fact, the more sophisticated the language, the better the candidate will score. If you have an impressive vocabulary, now is the time to show it off. All the best for Monday! Your SA1 starts from Monday with the first scoring component.

Thank You,
Mr. Nelson Ong

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rule Number #3

Dear all,

Hoped you had a fruitful 1.6km run. Rest up well and study hard for your dictation for unit 6 tomorrow.


You have until next Monday to pass up your composition. I have now passed it back to you to bring home to complete and finish up. You have 3 days. Please put in effort. It is your last practice before SA1. Parents, I seek your understanding in getting your kid to stay back after school with me to complete their composition should they not pass it up on that day.

SA1 oral starts next week (Week 6)
SA1 first paper starts in Week 7.

Have you started revision and practising?

Lately, I have started to notice that many of you failed to observe rule #3. The keywords are respects for teachers. A relief teacher is also a teacher, someone of higher authority than you in the classroom. There is no need to walk about, make noise and fail to follow the teacher's instructions. Likewise, teachers who may be with you for short term are also here to help you learn. There should not be any misbehaviour or lack of respect. We are fair and we do not bear grudges. Like I always say, if i scold you, it is for a reason. After that, we move on and not let this matter affect us in the future. Scoldings help you to improve. If you have not done wrong, we will not scold you.

Please take some time to reflect on your behaviour this week. I hope to see improvement from all of you.

It is the end of the group points next week. There is all the chance for you to catch up and do your best.

[ today's lessons learnt ]

It is important to save our earth. It is the world we live in, the environment that impacts us. So think twice before you litter. our actions lead to consequences.

Take note of the difference between limp and limb. Limp --> stumbling, staggering with an injury. Limb --> muscle and joints in your body.

Also take note of what is a phrase and a sentence. When you are asked to quote a phrase in the passage (for your comprehension open ended), do not end up quoting the whole sentence. A phrase is a small group of words that may make up a sentence. Usually, we do not use more than 7 words. Try to keep your phrase from 2 - 5 words if possible.

What you can expect for tomorrow's lesson

- Nature ramble worksheet science outdoor activity

- ven dean's group with their newspaper presentation

- dictation unit 6

- contunuing with worksheet 2 of unit 6 if there's time

- last topic of science - water in our body and water pollution

Thank you,
Mr Nelson Ong

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 5

Dear all,

Points of the Day
Start practising on your oral examinatio right now. Remember the DIEO method for picture description.

Essenially, oral speaking is like composition writing (in the spoken form). Remember your introduction, body and conclusion.

Speak confidently, loudly and with expressions!

We will have another practice this week again.

Questions & Answers

Look for a update on your questions by the end of this week. Give me some time to answer your questions.

Your vocabulary book is important for you to jot down notes. Do not lose it and keep it safely with you.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Friday, April 13, 2012

Practice Part 1 for the week

Dear all,

Here are some good practice you can do on your own. I will provide the answers below so you can check through. Try on your own first.

Synthesis and Transformation

Q1. "How old are you?" Susan asked me.

Susan asked me ________________________________.

Q2. Tom can attend the piano practice in the evening. He can also attend the soccer match at night.

_________________________ either ____________________________ or _____________________________.

Q3. Tim is not attending the party. His classmates are not attending the party too.

Not one of the students ______________________________________________.


1. Susan asked me how old I was.

2. Tom can either attend the piano practice in the evening or the soccer match at night.
Tom can attend either the piano practice in the evening or the soccer match at night.

3. Not one of the students is attending the party.

End of another week (Week 4)

Dear all,

It has been a while since I have last updated the class blog. My sincere apologies with the busy after school activities that have been taking place this week.

Firstly, some updates in your content knowledge:


- We learned about the biome, namely the forest, grassland and tundra.

- They are all part of our world, the world we live in. As such, it is important to know about these places.

- We also has practice on Oral reading, speaking and conversation. Your oral examination is barely 2 weeks away.


- For reading of passage, please be confident, speak fluently and with expressions. stress on key words. If you have words you are unsure of, do not stop for a long while. Try to make out the words by breaking it up and confidently read on.

- For the picture description, apply the DIEO method (describe, interpret, explain or elaborate and give your opinion) Talk as much as you can but talk sensibly. Remember to start from a point and go in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Be systematic and focused.

- For your conversation, by now you would have realized that the topic is closely related to your picture and passage. Give your introduction and answer the question in a general statement, talk about the different points (you can then link to other subjects) and finally, give a summary or conclusion.

Question: "Describe your most memorable holiday experience"

Answer: I had been to many countries over the world but my most memorable experience was a trip to Malaysia.

The reason I chose Malaysia is because my whole family, including my grandparents, went on the trip together. As compared to other trips to countries like England or Korea, I felt that we have a deeper family bonding.

During the trip, we went to visit museums, shopping centres and the zoo. The museum allowed me to learn about history of Malaysia. it was enriching and different from Singapore. It also taught me about how Singapore and Malaysia used to merged under one nation.
The shopping centres were the most exciting part as I got to buy many items including my favourite soccer jersey at a cheap price. I can now wear it to support my team at the euro football championships this year. I can't wait.
The zoo trip was fun but humid and hot. We went there as my little sister wanted to go there badly. It was difficult for my grandparents as they were not able to walk for long distances.

In all, I felt happy that my whole family could get to come together. It is so rare nowadays when everyone is so busy with their lives. I wish I could have more of such trips.


We wrapped up two topics, namely water and changes of state and water cycle.

Water & changes of state - Please remember the different processes such as evaporation, condensation, boiling, freezing and melting and their different characteristics.

Remember that for freezing, the liquid will remain at 0 degrees celcius from the point it starts to freeze until it has completely frozen.

Likewise, for melting, the ice will remain at 0 degrees celcius until it has completely melted from solid to liquid.

Evaporation takes place at any temperate but for boiling, it takes place at a fixed temperate and at 100 degrees celcius for water.

Evaporation and condensation are two important processes for the water cycle. Water evaporates into the skies to form water vapour. These water vapour then condenses to form little water droplets known as clouds. Clouds will then go through precipitation to form rain (water molecules get bigger and come together). rain will then fall to the ground and this cycle continues.

This is a good website for you to recap about water cycle.

Dear parents,

There are no supplementary lessons for next monday and tuesday (16 and 17 april). Do ensure that your students are not staying back unless for other school activities authorised by their teachers.

This week, we celebrated International friendship day. Hoped you had enriched yourself with knowledge of Africa, your theme for this year's P5 PW. Appreciate your life in Singapore but remember the poor out there. So work hard and remember to always improve yourself on your values and character in life. It is equally important.

I also would like to send out an important notice to parents. Recently, there has been a case in which certain students have been dabbling in games which involved a huge sum of money. Do check on your child's pocket money to keep up to date of any issues or problems. I am afraid that some of the students may have unnecessarily spent their money and yet, they are afraid to speak up. I am keeping the matter confidential until investigations have been fully carried out. Do monitor on your child's progress and guide them in any way you could.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Sunday

Dear all,

Hope you had a good holiday weekend. Happy Easter Sunday!

[ Reminders ]

Please submit your P1 registration form to me by Monday! (whether you have a sibling coming in or not coming in) All must be returned and acknowledged. The office will need to submit the data to Ministry of Education.

Spelling Test Unit 5 is on next friday!

Team Terry and Team Ven Dean are due to present their newspaper article on Friday!

Those who are selected for the International Friendship Day Cluster Games are reminded to stay back for their training on Monday and Wednesday.

International Friendship Day is on Thursday. You can come in your international costumes.

Please check the wall wisher for the next batch of updates to your questions in a while.

Enjoy your Sunday and see you all tomorrow.

PS: The weather has been been bad lately with soaring temperatures followed by heavy rain. Please take good care of yourself and drink lots of water.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Good Friday Weekend

Dear all,

Look for updates over the next few days as we enter the long weekend break.

I will look to answer as many questions as I can posed by all of you. Thank you for the overwhelming number of questions. Parents. just to update you all. By encouraging the students to take pride in their learning, I set up a small santa hat at the front of the classroom. Students can then post their questions on slips of paper and leave it in the hat. I will then answer their questions to clarify their doubts and aid their learning. In this way, whatever questions they might have, they can pose it through the little slips of paper. In the classroom, it is impossible to answer every question that students might have. As such, this is one good way instead of just keeping the question to oneself and not having it answered.

Students, remember that you can also ask your parents, siblings or tuition teacher for help too if you have any questions! :)

Next 2 groups for presentation of newspaper articles: Team Terry & Team Ven Dean.

Today's newspaper article presentation was interactive and well presented. Remember to take some time each day to do some reading. Oral examinations will begin on the 23rd and 24th April for all P5s. It is time to start practising. Next week onwards, I will look at spending time to help all of you practise.

Strategy for Picture description:

D - Describe the setting and introduction.

I - Interpret the feelings and actions of the characters.

E - Elaborate on the events and characterizations

O - Offer your own opinion and feelings.

Confidence is important to scoring well. I noticed that alot of you are afraid to speak up and are rather soft when it comes to reading. Have confidence and never doubt yourself. Believe in doing well and that will be half the battle won!

For now, Happy good friday and easter sunday!

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



RULE ONE:-If in direct speech you find say/says or will say then DO NOT CHANGE THE TENSE that you can find within the quotation marks


She says,”I will be more experienced then.”
She says she will be more experienced then.

I will say,”He loves cricket.”
I will say he loves cricket.

She will say,”He was in the land of nod then.”
She will say he was in the land of nod then.

They will say,”We will achieve greatness.”
They will say we will achieve greatness.


If in direct speech the words within the quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action then RULE ONE is followed or in other words the tense inside the quotation marks is not changed at all.. For e.g.
• The teacher said,”The sun rises in the east.”
The teacher said the sun rises in the east.

* If there is 'said' in the direct speech then the tense of the words inside quotation marks is changed to the past tense.
* I said,” I am suffering from fever.”
* I said I was suffering from fever.

Help List one
o Words indicating nearness are changed into words showing distance
o Here-there tomorrow-the next/following day
o This-that yesterday-the previous day
o These-those the next week-the following week
o Today-that day now-then
o Tonight-that night

Help List Two
o The following changes in the tense need to be considered
o Is/am - was
o Are - were
o Is (sleeping) - was (sleeping)
o Are (sleeping) - were (sleeping)
o Has/have killed - had killed
o Was/were laughing - had been laughing
o Can - could; will - would; shall - should; may - might
o Did - had done

Rule 3 --Some examples

She said,“I am reading a book now.”
She said she was reading a book then.

We said,”They have done their job.”
We said they had done their job.

She said,”We were all laughing uncontrollably.”
She said they had been all laughing uncontrollably.

He said,” I can do it.”
He said he could do it.

She said to me,”You may need help.”
She told me I might need help.

He said,”She will do this task quickly.”
He said she would do that task quickly.


Dear all,

One more announcement before I forget. Due to the overwhelming number of questions posed by you through your little small slips of paper, I have decided to answer some of your questions through an online tool. For those who have posed questions, you can go and take a look. I will draw selected questions out to reply to you personally through pen and paper but if not, most questions will be answered through the online notes.

Take this website down, save it and put it under your favourites.

Hope this will provide another fun platform for learning.

never stop learning and asking. I will try my best to answer.

Thank You,
Mr. Nelson Ong

Reminders for 3rd April

Dear all,

Please remember to bring your unit 4 composition on THURSDAY, 5th April as i would like to go through!

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Our World

Dear all,

As we embarked on the new topic for English, take a moment to think about what you have learned previously. Connect the dots and you will realise that all the topics are linked.

From adventures, we learn about Great explorers who explore our world (our current topic). Likewise, your knowledge in Science about animals and water will help you better understand this topic here. This is essentially a geography topic that will be useful to help you understand the world we live in today.

When you have the time, go and take a look at this documentary of the loneliest animals in the world. It is explaining about the importance of conservation and protection of precious species of animals which are becoming extinct. It is an interesting video.

Do not forget about your Science. Here is a basic summary of what is important.

Changes of state of water


1. Condensation (gas to liquid, gas loses heat to the cool surface)

2. Evaporation (liquid to gas, liquid gains heat to form water vapour)

3. Boiling (Liquid to gas, Liquid gains heat to form steam)

4. Melting (Solid to liquid, Solid gains heat)

5. Freezing (Liquid to solid, Liquid loses heat to become ice)

Difference between Boiling and Evaporation

1. Boiling takes place at 100 degrees celcius for pure water. All liquids will have a FIXED boiling point. BUT evaporation takes place at any temperature. There is no fixed temperature for evaporation.

2. Boiling occurs throughout the liquid but evaporation only occurs at the surface of the liquid!

We congragulate:

Team Philip (Philip, Phoebe, Wee Si Jie and Terry) for being the team of the month for March!

Wee Si Jie for being the pupil of the month for March!

Gabriel for being the leader of the month for March!

Lee Si Jie for being the inquisitive pupil of the month for March!

Terry for being the most improved pupil of the month for March!

Continue to work well in your groups and may the best groups/students do us proud. Rule #1 WE ARE A FAMILY!

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong