Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our World

Dear all,

As we embarked on the new topic for English, take a moment to think about what you have learned previously. Connect the dots and you will realise that all the topics are linked.

From adventures, we learn about Great explorers who explore our world (our current topic). Likewise, your knowledge in Science about animals and water will help you better understand this topic here. This is essentially a geography topic that will be useful to help you understand the world we live in today.

When you have the time, go and take a look at this documentary of the loneliest animals in the world. It is explaining about the importance of conservation and protection of precious species of animals which are becoming extinct. It is an interesting video.


Do not forget about your Science. Here is a basic summary of what is important.

Changes of state of water


1. Condensation (gas to liquid, gas loses heat to the cool surface)

2. Evaporation (liquid to gas, liquid gains heat to form water vapour)

3. Boiling (Liquid to gas, Liquid gains heat to form steam)

4. Melting (Solid to liquid, Solid gains heat)

5. Freezing (Liquid to solid, Liquid loses heat to become ice)

Difference between Boiling and Evaporation

1. Boiling takes place at 100 degrees celcius for pure water. All liquids will have a FIXED boiling point. BUT evaporation takes place at any temperature. There is no fixed temperature for evaporation.

2. Boiling occurs throughout the liquid but evaporation only occurs at the surface of the liquid!

We congragulate:

Team Philip (Philip, Phoebe, Wee Si Jie and Terry) for being the team of the month for March!

Wee Si Jie for being the pupil of the month for March!

Gabriel for being the leader of the month for March!

Lee Si Jie for being the inquisitive pupil of the month for March!

Terry for being the most improved pupil of the month for March!

Continue to work well in your groups and may the best groups/students do us proud. Rule #1 WE ARE A FAMILY!

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

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