Monday, June 25, 2012

First Day of Term 3

Dear all,

Hope you had a good first day of school. Lessons have resumed and the hard work has begun. Remember my advices and my talks with you today.

Today's learning points

  • We learned about Asian Civilizations and the cradle of Western Civilizations, Greece.
  • Greece is well-known for its mythology of their gods and godesses.
  • The Olympic Games originated from Greece and is still ongoing in the World today. The next Olympics wil be held in London in August 2012.
  • We respect each religion and beliefs.
  • Always use Science key words and concept to answer questions. Look for the concept first and apply the concept to the question.
  • Opposite ends of the batteries need to be connected to each other in a close circuit for the bulb to light up. (-ve) with (+ve)
  • For a circuit to function, it has to be closed and there needs to be a wire, switch, light bulb and batteries.
  • A battery does not store electricity, it stores chemical energy that will react with electricity in a circuit.
Here is the attached timetable for this term.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

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