Thursday, May 2, 2013

Adaptations for Survival

Dear all,

We have begun our oral examinations. All the best for your remaining oral examinations, be it Chinese or English. Be confident and express yourself well.

Today, we talked about our new Science topic, adaptations. Here is a recap:

Adaptations are essential for survival of organisms. Organisms have different behavioural adaptations to suit the environment they survive in. You need to know the two types of adaptations and they are behavioural adaptations (How an organism behave) and structural adaptations (Body parts of an organism that allow it to adapt).

Behavioural adaptations can refer to actions like hunting in packs, staying near an organism's own shelter/home, growing towards sunlight, etc. It has to do with how an organism moves or behaves in order to adapt and survive.

Structural adaptations refer to the body parts of an organism that allows it to adapt to the environment for survival. For example, crocodiles have strong powerful jaws to rip apart its larger preys. Dolphins have streamlined bodies to move quickly in the water and overcome water resistance. Cheetahs have strong hind legs to run at a quick speed.

We also talk about the skills of drawing a food web:

  • Identify how many organisms there are first. 
  • Next, Identify the producer, write it down and circle it. 
  • Then, draw the arrows of the organisms step by step. 
As the examinations kick in, please pace yourself and learn to control your stress. Do learn to relax and work on time management. This is something you will have to learn as you go along. Do note that there will be an increase in homework, especially during your examinations period due to the revision papers that we will require you to do at home. You need to understand that this is expected and normal. We are not giving you homework after homework every single day. When it is time to work hard, take the extra effort which will determine how well you can fare. Remember what I said! What you have today, you might not have it tomorrow unless you work hard for it. Good results don't drop from the sky. It is a result of one's own hard work and effort you put in consistently!!! Study hard! 

We will do filing next week in time for your examinations. Compositions will be given back tomorrow.

Last note to end off the blog post. Please return back the walkathon cards tomorrow or next monday latest. Thank you for all your efforts. Whatever amount you might have, thank you again from the heart. 

Thank you,
Mr Nelson Ong 

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