Monday, April 1, 2013

Term 2 Week 2

Dear all,

It has been a long weekend. Happy Easter weekends. It is week 2 now and in 1 month's time, you will sit for your Oral examination starting from the 2nd May. Please start to practise now with your oral guide books and read aloud at home.

Here is a good site for you ro practise on your grammar. Play this game while revising on your grammar structure.

Grammar Game

Here is an article on uncountable nouns which you may want to read up on.

Uncountable nouns

Today, we focused on doing your comprehension open-ended for supplementary worksheet unit 5. Using the pre-reading thinking activity, we worked on your time management in completing the comprehension open ended in class. Most of you managed to complete in time with a few of you needing to further work on your time management. We will go through the answers tomorrow.

Thank you,
Mr Nelson Ong

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