Monday, April 15, 2013

Term 2 Week 4

Dear all,

Welcome back to term 2 week 4. We are about halfway through your second term. Every week is crucial. Your oral examinations is in about 2 weeks time. As stated in class earlier, you can go to the search button on the right hand side of the blog and type 'Oral' to revisit the oral tips given. We will revise on oral and listening comprehension soon.

Today, we went through your comprehension open-ended. Tomorrow's supplementary will focus on your comprehension open-ended and techniques to answer the questions. You do need to really watch out for your tenses and keywords. Elaborate your answers and think through as what was done today.

On to other matters. DSA (Direct school admission) is in place to secondary one. Take note of the brochure given to you. You need to be in a particular CCA and have excelled or taken part in competitions/events to be eligible. If you have a school of your choice to go to, check up the website of the school and take note of the procedures to be completed (e.g interviews and trials selections). Having experience/CCA/taken part in competitions in your desired aspect will be crucial to helping you with DSA. Of course, your results must still be good and that is your most important aspect no matter what. Work hard.

Tomorrow, I will give you back your English file for Unit 4 for parents' acknowledgement.

Mr Nelson Ong

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