Friday, September 28, 2012

Human Circulatory System

Dear all,

It's been a busy week and before I recap the events and work for the week, lets' go through the answers for the questions given for Science.

Similarity: Both take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
Difference: Man breathes in through lungs while fish breathes in through gills. 

Explanation: The function of the respiratory system is to take in oxygen for the body. Man live on land and breathe in oxygen and air. They make use of lungs to obtain oxygen from the air. Fish live in water. They use gills to absorb oxygen dissolved in the water. 

(A) The limewater in Jar Q would become more chalky or milky than the limewater in Jar P.
(B) Air exhaled by the hamster passes through the tube into Jar Q and it contains more carbon dioxide than the air passing through Jar P from the surrounding air. 

Explanation: Limewater is used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide. In the presence of carbon dioxide, limewater turns milky or chalky. *Note that limewater is not the same as lime juice. Do not mix them up. Exhaled air contains more carbon dioxide than the air in Jar P which is air drawn from the surrounding air. Thus, the limewater in Jar Q turns more chalky than that in P. 

[Science for the week]

We concluded on the topic of Respiratory system of animals and plants. Note the parts of the respiratory systems of different animals and for plants, it is simply the stomata where gases exchange take place. Stomata are usually found on the underside of leaves to prevent water from evaporating. 

We had two practice worksheets on the plant transport system.

Today, we started a brief introduction on the Human Circulatory System. Video for the topic can be found here.

The circulatory system is an extensive body system that is composed of three main parts--the heart, blood and blood vessels--which function together to transport nutrients, oxygen and water to cells and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide from the body.


The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. The heart is the driving force responsible for pumping blood throughout the rest of the circulatory system. Without proper heart function, the other components involved cannot function as they should.


The heart pumps blood, the medium in which nutrients, water and oxygen are carried to the cells of the body.

Blood Vessels

There are three main types of blood vessels that each has a different function. Arteries are responsible for carrying blood away from the heart, veins carry blood back to the heart, and capillaries connect arteries and veins to one another. The blood vessels are the part of the circulatory system that resembles a highway system.

Blood Flow

Blood flow throughout the body is a continuous cycle that is directed by the heart. Blood is pumped from the left side of the heart into the arteries, which carry blood away from the heart. This blood contains oxygen and food for the body's cells. Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the cells through the capillaries. The de-oxygenated blood travels back to the heart by way of veins, and the entire process begins again.

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords! Please remember to use the keywords for science when you are writing your answer.

Light is a worrying topic as we did the recap worksheet. Please go and revise through your past year topics.

[English for the week]

We have now finished unit 10 and 11. The composition for Unit 9 was not well done. Please note the following when you are writing your composition:

  • 4 Paragraphs at least.
  • For picture compositions, make sure you include all the characters.
  • Add FEELINGS for the characters instead of just describing. 
  • Elaborate and be specific.
  • Formal language is needed for your writing. No short forms like 'don't', 'won't', etc. 
  • Stick to simple sentences if you are not confident in your language.
  • Tenses should be in the past.
  • Punctuation is important. Remember to have your full stops. A simple sentence should have more than two phrases joined together. 
Past (adverb) - beyond
Pass (verb) - the act of going past / through a location

When a verb is used after these words 'would, will, could, can, should, shall, may, might', the verb should always be in the base form (present tense, plural form).

Today, we were introduced to the format of Letter of Complaint for situational writing. Please take note of the structure. 

For situational writing, please note:

  • Your language should be formal when it comes to formal memo, email, note, letter or report writing.
  • Take note of your role and target audience (who you are writing to)
  • Write down the purpose in the first sentence.
  • Formal situational writing does not start with "How are you?" so skip that portion. 
  • Be straight and clear to the point. Do not add in your own details unless you are told to do so. This is not composition writing.
Situational writing is a key life skill. In the future, when you are writing letters, emails, reports or complaint letters, these skills will be crucial. See it as a skill rather than something you simply just to go through. Then, you will find learning meaningful. 


Composition for Unit 10 is to be passed up next Monday. Please complete on time. We have only 2 more weeks to go before you sit for your exams. 

[Note for Parents]

Dear parents, 

I am going to update about the progress of the students' academic work. We are left with one more unit for English which I will finish by next week and then concentrate on oral and revision papers. 

For science, I have started on the last topic and following that, it is revision papers all the way. 

Filing has been done this week so it is a steady progress for the students.

Don't worry. You have my word that your child is safely progressing in their work. The syllabus will be covered in time and with quality of course. Whatever is important, I will elaborate to the students and get them to take down in their papers or note book. 

Files will be given back in week 5 for the pupils to revise, together with their workbooks. 

Get them to go through the files and practise the questions again for familiarization. 

One of the greatest weakness that I have observed after these 9 months is the issue of the kids easily forgetting the concepts and skills. They tend to make the same mistake again, as such repetition is needed. Don't worry about exposing them to tons and tons of questions. Instead, focus on having them redo and repeat questions they have done or similar questions to get them fully familiarized and having memorised what the key skills and concepts are. They are lacking in this aspect. 

Lets' work hard together for their final lap!

[Class Issues]

As stated in the classroom, these few weeks have not been exactly pleasant. A week of ups and downs. You were being praised by certain teachers but also complained by certain teachers. Consistency is needed. I don't wish to be shouting at you and having to remind you of how you should behave. It's the last lap to the end of the year. You must work hard and stay disciplined. 

A disciplined students know what to do at the right time and with that, he is able to excel in their studies with hard work and self control. It is easy to say but difficult to do. You need all your patience and self control at this period of time now. There is no more time to waste.

The subject combinations you will get next year is now dependent on your results and fixed by the school for next year. It is no more chosen by your own or your parents choice. For some of you, you are greatly in risk of dropping to take foundation subjects if you do not pull up from your U grade, as such you know what you have to do to make things right.

I know some of you are really weak and disinterested in certain subjects. The key here is not to lose heart and give up. Once you have given up, there is no more hope. Hope keeps you going. I don't believe that we will fail forever. There will come a time when passes can be achieved, so keep going. 

I have told some of you here that the best choice now is to pass all subjects if you can. If not, focus on pulling up your weakest subject(s) to 40 - 50 and do well for the rest of the subjects. 

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

See you if you will be attending the festival in school tomorrow.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Nelson Ong

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Situational Writing

Dear all,

The situational writing for unit 10 was not well written. As such, I feel the need to revise one more time and to go through the essential points.

  • Always remember your role that you are writing as and who you writing to (your audience)
If it is a formal memo, letter or note, you need not start with "How are you?" Your tone of writing and language must be formal and to the point. Do not add in  informal speeches or any short forms. Do not write as if you are writing to a friend or penpal. It must be formal if it required. 

  • Do not ever use short forms in your writing.
  • State the purpose in the first sentence.
This is important. Your purpose of writing must be clearly stated in the first sentence as that is the most important part to what your note/letter/report/memo is about. 

  • Set paragraphs for your writing with two finger spacing from the left hand margin to clearly indicate paragraphing.
  • Be straight to the point and do not add in unnecessary details or your own details! Follow the points given in the question strictly! 
Mr Nelson Ong

Respiratory system of a fish

Dear all,

We have moved on from the air and the human respiratory system to learning about the respiratory system of fish.

There is a difference between the respiratory system of humans and animals but among animals, there are differences in how they breathe too. We will take a look at it in the coming weeks. But for now, here is the introduction to how fish breathe.

They make use of an important part known as gills, found near the underside of the head.

Gills refer to:
the respiratory organ of aquatic animals, as fish, thatbreathe oxygen dissolved in water.
Also called lamella. one of the radiating vertical plates on the underside of the cap of an agaric mushroom.

However, do note the difference. For fish, the gills work in the presence of water where oxygen dissolves. Thus, they do not work when the fish is on land and water is absent. As a result, the fish will suffocate without oxygen and die.

For mushrooms, the gills are found on the underside of the plant and it is where spores are formed to help the plant reproduce. (Think back on your topic of reproduction of plants)

Thus, both are the same words but they serve different meaning.

Do take note that the fish FIRST take in watet through the mouth and the water passes through to the gills in which the DISSOLVED OXYGEN IS ABSORBED through the blood / blood vessels to the heart and rest of the body to keep the fish alive. On the other hands, carbon dioxide is removed through the gills too.

You need to know where the gills are located on the fish and HOW IT HELPS THE FISH TO BREATHE.

For further reading, just this site out. How Fish Gills Work


Finish up your supplementary worksheet for Unit 11 if possible. Highlight the key words and leave the synthesis and transformation out for now.

[Practice Questions]

I will provide the answer tomorrow. Try them out first.

[Extra notes]

Yours Sincerely,
Mr Nelson Ong

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More resources for respiratory system in humans

You can visit this website too.

Click on it below
Extra Information Site

The human respiratory system

Dear all,

We spent a good part of 3 periods on our next topic of the Human Respiratory System. I hope you all do understand the important points. But let us recap again.

Respiration is not the same as breathing.
Respiration = breaking down of energy in food through taking in of oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide.
Breathing = taking in of oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide

You need to know the parts of the respiratory system in our human body such as:

  • Nose
  • Throat
  • Windpipe or trachea 
  • Lungs ( there are 2 of them with the left one usually being smaller due to the presence of the heart)
  • Bronchus (2 main tubes that connect to the lungs)
  • Bronchioles (smaller tubes within the lungs)
  • Aveoli (air sacs that contain the air)
  • Capillaries (blood vessels that are contained in the air sacs)
Please note the flow of of taking in of oxygen and giving out of carbon dioxide. This can be a common question in which you are asked to draw arrows to indicate how human inhale and exhale the different gases in the air. 

Next important point is about the movement of the ribcage and diaphragm. The ribcage protects the lungs and the diaphragm is a muscle below the lungs that controls the movement of the lungs. 

When we inhale (take in oxygen), the ribcage moves outwards and downwards. Air is gushing into our body.

When we exhale (breathe out carbon dioxide), the ribcage move inwards and upwards. Air is being released from our body.

Exchange of gases is taking place at the capillaries inside the aveoli. oxygen goes into the blood vessels while the waste carbon dioxide is being removed to the air sacs, through the lungs and out the body through the windpipe. 

The nose hairs prevents the dust particles from entering the windpipe. It acts as a filter for dust particles and dirt. Air that passes through the nose is warm, moistened and cleaned.

Revise through your topic on digestive system as it is closely link to respiratory system. :) Topics are often linked and some questions can involved more than one topic alone. As such, it is important for you to revise and be able to draw the link and not just stick to one topic on its own. Don't spot topics to study. Every topic is important. 

Why is this topic important and how is it relevant to us?

If you are able to understand the meaning of the topic you are studying and how it is relevant to your life, you will appreciate it more and have more interest in understanding. As such, do not treat studying as just something you have to go through but see the link of it to life itself. 

Human respiratory system helps us to understand how we live, in terms of respiration and breathing. it also shows us how asthma or sinus can occur. Dust or phlegm blocks the bronchioles and as such, air is unable to pass through. As the bronchioles are stuck, we will experience discomfort in breathing. 

Always think and reflect after each topic learnt and not just throw it to one side. 

A student who thinks critically and questions has truly learnt well!!!

Here are some videos to leave you to watch:

Mr Nelson Ong

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

English Grammar items

Dear all,

1 more month left for your SA2. Have you started revising? You should be in the midst of revising and not just starting......

[SA2 Schedule] 

I will post the schedule first so that your parents and you can take note of the timings early and plan for it.

19th Oct - English Paper 1 + Listening (we will have one good practice soon)

23 & 24 Oct - English and Chinese Oral

25th Oct - Chinese Paper 1 + Listening

29th Oct - English Paper 2

30th Oct - Maths

31st Oct - Chinese Paper 2

1st Nov - Science

[What makes a sentence?]

Going back to the basics, it is important to identify the components that make a sentence. One of the greatest weakness is the lack of basic knowledge. As such, it is important for you to know yr grammatical items well.

A basic sentence is made up of a 'subject' + a 'verb'.
e.g The boy is running.
The boy - Subject
is running - Verb.

A more complex sentence can be made up of a 'subject' + 'verb" + 'object' + 'adverb / adjective'
e.g The boy is running in his new sports shoes today.
the boy - subject
is running - verb
new - adjective
sports shoes - object
today - adverb (manner of time)

It is crucial to identify components of sentence so that you know what the phrases are in the sentence. Remember that a phrase does not contain a 'subject' + a 'verb' together!

[Passive / Active voices]

Active voice is used when we talk about a subject doing something.

e.g Peter is mopping the floor with a new mop.
peter - subject
is mopping - verb
floor - object
mop - object

Passive voice is used when the subject is being used to do something.

e.g The new mop is being used by Peter to mop the floor.
new mop - subject
is being used - verb
Peter - object
floor - object

[Identifying the subject and object]

Subject usually comes before the verb!

Object comes after the verb!

Look at the above examples!

Study group resumes tomorrow after school and broadbased until 4pm. Do stay if you can. I will be going through both english and science.


For group points, do hand up your science topical worksheet for plants transport system as a group tomorrow. if not, the due date is on 20th September (Thursday).

For those who were curious and were asking how 'farts' are formed, visit this website. It is informative. Click on the link below!
How farts are formed

Thank You,
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Nelson Ong

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Dear all,

We have started on a new topic for Science, "Air and the different gases".

But before we recap about the important points, lets' go through the answers for the 3 questions posed in the earlier post below.

The arrows show the movement of food being made from the leaves to the rest of the plant. Water and minerals are transported from the roots upwards to the rest of the plants. Carbon dioxide and oxygen is exchanged in the stomata. 
So the answer is (1) B only.

You need to know the different plant parts. Some of the questions will not directly give you a picture of the plant and its parts but give you another diagram which symbolizes a plant and you have to apply what you have learnt to complete the question. 
In this question here, A and C are the leaves while B and D are the roots. Roots are found beneath the soil most of the time and the movement of the non-dotted line shows the movement of food from the leaves to the other parts of the plants. The movement of the dotted line shows the movement of water from the roots to the rest of the plant. 

You must remember the positions of the xylem and phloem tubes given a cross section of a stem of a plant. Here is one tip. "PX" P comes first and is the top part furthest away from the centre. X comes next and is the inner part nearest to the centre. P stands for Phloem. X stands for Xylem. In this case, it is one good way to help you remember the positions. 
In this question, P represents the Phloem tubes and helps to transport food from the leaves  to the rest of the plants
Q represents the xylem tubes and transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plants.

Moving on to today's topic, we learn about air, what are the gases that make up air and some important uses of certain gases and its characteristics.

Air is made up of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and other gases (1%) (such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, argon, helium, hydrogen, etc)

Note the percentage and which gases are of more percentage than the others. **

Also, human beings and living things need oxygen to breathe, as such the percentage of oxygen has to be higher than carbon dioxide or other gases apart from nitrogen.

Most gases are odourless and colourless. Some are reactive (react readily with the surrounding air and other objects to cause an reaction such as burning / combustion). Some are non-reactive (does not reactive readily with other objects or surrounding air to cause any reaction).

There are many functions of each gas,
e.g Oxygen - For living things to breathe and for burning to take place.
Carbon Dioxide - makes soft drinks fizzy and needed for plants to photosynthesize.
Nitrogen - Used as a coolant in refrigerators in liquid form and to seal food packages to preserve it.
Methane - Used as a natural gas as a fuel for cooking.
Argon - Used to fill the light bulb to protect the filament from combustion.

Revise on your reading, english grammar and vocabulary and science notes this long weekend. Rest well, especially with the hazy weather. See you all next week. If there are any questions to be posted, I will post it here so check your blog regularly.

Leaving you with one last note,

Rumours are false statements. Don't spread rumours about your friends unnecessarily. It will only cause discomfort for your friends. I am sure you do not want others to spread rumours about you so respect your friends and respect yourself. Do not speak if you have nothing nice to say that cause hurt. I still believe in #Rule 1 and that one day, you all will believe in it as much as I do. We are all equal and no one should be made to feel inferior to another person.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Plant transport system

Dear all,

We have come to and end of your topic on plant transport system. Here are the important points:

- take note of the parts of the plant like roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

- note the functions of the xylem (water carrying tubes) an phloem(food carrying tubes)

- note the direction in which food is transported from the leaves to all parts of the plant and how water is transported from the roots to all parts of the plant.

Here are some questions that essentially are the main points of the topic:

Apply what you have learnt in completing the questions. I will go through the answers and methods in the next post.

The next topic is on Air and respiratory system (breathing).

Here are some useful links which will be covered in tomorrow's lesson:

KIDS GEOGRAPHIC (Click on this link on the left and there are many sub pages to view too)

Have fun,
Mr Nelson Ong

Monday, September 10, 2012

Dictation Test Unit 10

Before I forget, well done on your dictation test unit 10 as a class. This is the first time I have no one having to sit for their retests. Please press on and keep this up for your Spelling test Unit 10 this Thursday. It has been shifted forward with regards to Friday being a holiday for you due to the PSLE Listening Comprehension Exam.

Remember that the feeling of receiving your papers with good marks being reflected is a good feeling. You do want to feel good all the time but you have to work for it. Keep it up and lets' continue with this!!!

Term 4 Begins

Dear all,

Welcome back to term 4 and the first week to the end of the year. In approximately 6 weeks time, you will all be sitting for your end of the year examinations. There is not much time left so do not waste each minute. Make full use of it and spend it wisely, especially on revising your Mathematics and Science which require you to revise through your P3 and P4 work.

[Today's Key Points]

  • Take note of what a xylem (water carrying tubes) and phloem (food carrying tubes) are. Note their functions and the direction of flow of water and food. 
  • Usually, water goes upwards from the roots to all parts of the plant.
  • Food will be made in the leaves and goes downwards to all part of the plant. This is also dependent on where the leaves are. 
  • The use of a celery in a dyed liquid to test if there are water carrying tubes in it is one common experiment. 

  • Present continuous tense is used to refer to a current event that is taking place.
  • Present Perfect continuous tense is used to refer to a past event that is still taking place.

[Rule #1 "We are a Family!"]

Recently, it has being brought to my attention that more bullying cases are evident in the classroom. It pains me to see that a portion of you have been ganging up to make fun of people whom you do not like. There are times in which we will pick sides and have a preference for the friends we want to include in our circle of friends but that does not mean that you put someone whom you do not like down and make fun of him/her. Your actions not only show a lack of respect for others (rule #3) but also for yourself. If you find that you have nothing nice to say to someone, then avoid the person at all costs. This is the first step to making sure that no conflicts happen at all.

But of course, in the long run, the main aim is to accept others and be friends. There should not be any animosity and hatred. There are more to life than such undesirable things. 

We are in school to study but to grow as a student/person. We are also here to take away memories of having good friends, not making enemies and making another person's life a miserable one. 

[Rule #4 "Pass up all work ON TIME!"]

There is no more excuse of saying that you have forgotten to bring your books/homework. It is the last term and you should be more responsible of your own learning and providing the hard work through your own actions, so for those who did not bring their science workbook today, please do so tomorrow with your work being completed. If not, the punishment would be to stay back after school tomorrow to copy down the work for me. 

[Rule #5 "Do your best in everything you do!"]

Today, there were only 3 students who stayed on for the study group. On Wednesday, those who can stay please stay. I will look to revise through some important notes for Science on Wednesday. The timing is after your broadbased programme to 4pm. And please SEEK PERMISSION from your parents first and inform them of your whereabouts. This is voluntary and not compulsory. 

Have a good week ahead,

PS: Please bring your money for your ordering of photos tomorrow and wednesday. The vendors will be in the canteen. 

Mr Nelson Ong

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September Holidays

Dear all,

It is back to school and term 4 soon! Get ready for the last term. Your last journey for your primary 5 begins. I do hope all of you have been studying and revising intensely during the holidays for your end of the year examinations. I will post up notes for you from time to time to help you along the way but remember that you have to also complete your revision with hard work on your own. You are sitting for the examinations and it is your own results that will matter come end of the year and leading on to next year.

[Important Reminders] 

  1. Unit 10 spelling test is on Friday, 14th September. Please study hard for it. 
  2. Bring your English and Science textbooks.
  3. Supplementary and remedial lessons are resuming next week. I am opening extra remedial lessons for all. We will be doing intense remedial lessons from 3 - 3.30pm every Tuesdays and Fridays. 
  4. After school study groups will resume next week on Mondays (3 - 4pm) and Wednesdays (after your broadbased programmes to 4pm).  If you find that you can concentrate better in school, stay on for the after school study group at the study corner at level 3 and PLEASE INFORM YOUR PARENTS AND GET THEIR APPROVAL FIRST. I will be at the study corner to monitor and help out for any of your school work or tuition work. 
  5. Please get ready your class photo order form and bring it on the 11th and 12th September to submit to the VENDOR!
[Oral Examinations]

We would have done some revision for your oral examinations during the two days of extra lessons during the September holidays. Your reading has been improving in general. Here are some tips again:

  • Pronunciation is important.
  • Fluency of reading is important and that means you should be able to read smoothly and not stop and start all the time. The 5 minutes of preparation time is important for you!
  • Reading with expressions is a major weakness. Please vary your tone and read with feelings or expression especially during the conversations or dialogues. 
Picture Discussion
  • Introduce your picture first. (talk about where the picture is in general and probably the time of the day)
  • USE THE D.I.E.O method to describe the individual scenes. 
  • D - describe the actions and appearances.
  • I - interpret the feelings of the characters  (Use adjectives to describe them and talk about how they might feel)
  • E - explain or elaborate on why they feel that way. 
  • O - give your own opinion. 
  • Conclude your picture. 
Dear Parents,

If you still do not own an oral practice book for your child, please get one as soon as you can. It would help your kid for their oral practice, especially for their PSLE next year. If you need to make do with one now, you can use the picture for compositions as a temporary measure for now. Using the guidelines above, you can help revise with your children.

Do also make sure that they do not use broken english or singlish or short forms during their picture description. Examiners are also looking out for language of the student. As such, they need to use sound grammatical structure to describe the picture. Also, make sure they use present tense all the time. 

See you all on Monday,
Mr Nelson Ong