Friday, January 11, 2013

End of Week 1

Dear all,

It is the end of week 1. We have started on our new topics for P6. Each topic that we have covered would mean that we are closer to our PSLE. Here is a recap of today's teaching and learning.


We covered the answers for our first supplementary worksheet. Here are the rules for some synthesis and transformation:

Despite the fact that
In spite of the fact that

When using these 2 structures, make use of the words 'the fact that' directly after the words to complete the sentence. This rule would mean that you do not have to change any of the given words in the sentence. All you have to do is to identify the sequence in the sentence and jot them down. Do use this method. It is much easier.


Q1. Sheryl is tired but she presses on to complete her project into the night.

Despite the fact that Sheryl is tired, she presses on to complete her project into the night.

Explanation: adding in the words 'the fact that', all you need to do is to arrange the sequence of the sentence in order and almost all of the words with the punctuation in between. You can take away the main conjunction in the sentence which is "but". You do not need to change any form of the word or any tenses.

Q2. The firemen saved a boy from the fire even though the situation was dangerous.

In spite of the fact that the situation was dangerous, the firemen save a boy from the fire.


  • Complete your newspaper article (vocabulary words' meaning and reflection) 
  • Dear parents, you can guide your kids through the newspaper article. 

We carried out the experiment on testing if plants need carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis. Our experiment proves that plants need carbon dioxide to photosynthesize.
An inverted test tube is capped over a funnel with a plant in it. The water level in the test tube is filled to the brim. After some time, under the presence of light, the plant photosynthesizes and oxygen is released in the form of bubbles towards the top. The water level then drops and the space at the top is oxygen. Based on the concept that air occupies space, this oxygen displaces the water and causes the water level to drop.

Do take note that *photosynthesis (noun) is a process while *photosynthesize (verb) is the action word.

Here is the link of a simple experiment to show how oxygen is produced during Photosynthesis.

Concept learnt today:

  • Plants need carbon dioxide, water and light to photosynthesize. 
  • Air occupies space.
Values learnt for the week:

As we end the week, lets' take time to also remember some of the values we have learnt for this week. We learnt through the comprehension open-ended story that sometimes, losing is not a bad thing. In losing, we learn how to improve and not give up.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong

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