Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Midweek Wednesday

Dear all,

You have reached the mid-week and that means the long weekend is approaching slowly but surely. But before that, you have your important practical test for Science and Maths to sit for first. We have been doing revision for your practical test. Please go back and revise each day, especially on the pictures and names of the different appraratus. I have already attached a copy of the list of apparatus for you in the earlier posts. I also given out the worksheet and gotten you to jot down several important points.

We have done the mini test today and from there, look at which areas you need to improve upon. Keep the worksheet well as we will be filing it in soon.

What have I learned today?
  • Learning to read off the weighing scale is important. If you can, try to use your weighing scale at home to weigh some objects like your eraser, pencil case, etc and read off the weighing scale. You can get your parents to check for you. Parents, you can help assist your kids and double check your answers.
  • We learned that civilizations are important early way of life that sets the foundation for the present and the future.
  • We learned about the civilization of China today with the history of many dynasties ruling the country. The Qin dynasty was the first dynasty to unite all the states under one ruler, Qin Shi Huang.
  • We learned about the importance of filial piety to the Chinese culture and tradition.
  • China was famous for its pagodas, invention of paper and Chinese Opera.
I.T tools for added learning

Chinese Opera Part 1

Chinese Opera Part 2

Chinese Opera Part 3

That's it for now. Today's task is to look and search for answers for the comprehension open ended passage in your workbook. Do not write the answers down yet. Just highlight in your textbook and come readily prepared for classroom discussions tomorrow.

PS: I still noticed that some of the groups are still blaming one another when it comes to fighting for group points. It is not about the points but how you come together to work as a group. Group friendship and bonding is more important than just points. Remember that.

Thank You
Mr Nelson Ong

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