Friday, April 13, 2012

End of another week (Week 4)

Dear all,

It has been a while since I have last updated the class blog. My sincere apologies with the busy after school activities that have been taking place this week.

Firstly, some updates in your content knowledge:


- We learned about the biome, namely the forest, grassland and tundra.

- They are all part of our world, the world we live in. As such, it is important to know about these places.

- We also has practice on Oral reading, speaking and conversation. Your oral examination is barely 2 weeks away.


- For reading of passage, please be confident, speak fluently and with expressions. stress on key words. If you have words you are unsure of, do not stop for a long while. Try to make out the words by breaking it up and confidently read on.

- For the picture description, apply the DIEO method (describe, interpret, explain or elaborate and give your opinion) Talk as much as you can but talk sensibly. Remember to start from a point and go in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. Be systematic and focused.

- For your conversation, by now you would have realized that the topic is closely related to your picture and passage. Give your introduction and answer the question in a general statement, talk about the different points (you can then link to other subjects) and finally, give a summary or conclusion.

Question: "Describe your most memorable holiday experience"

Answer: I had been to many countries over the world but my most memorable experience was a trip to Malaysia.

The reason I chose Malaysia is because my whole family, including my grandparents, went on the trip together. As compared to other trips to countries like England or Korea, I felt that we have a deeper family bonding.

During the trip, we went to visit museums, shopping centres and the zoo. The museum allowed me to learn about history of Malaysia. it was enriching and different from Singapore. It also taught me about how Singapore and Malaysia used to merged under one nation.
The shopping centres were the most exciting part as I got to buy many items including my favourite soccer jersey at a cheap price. I can now wear it to support my team at the euro football championships this year. I can't wait.
The zoo trip was fun but humid and hot. We went there as my little sister wanted to go there badly. It was difficult for my grandparents as they were not able to walk for long distances.

In all, I felt happy that my whole family could get to come together. It is so rare nowadays when everyone is so busy with their lives. I wish I could have more of such trips.


We wrapped up two topics, namely water and changes of state and water cycle.

Water & changes of state - Please remember the different processes such as evaporation, condensation, boiling, freezing and melting and their different characteristics.

Remember that for freezing, the liquid will remain at 0 degrees celcius from the point it starts to freeze until it has completely frozen.

Likewise, for melting, the ice will remain at 0 degrees celcius until it has completely melted from solid to liquid.

Evaporation takes place at any temperate but for boiling, it takes place at a fixed temperate and at 100 degrees celcius for water.

Evaporation and condensation are two important processes for the water cycle. Water evaporates into the skies to form water vapour. These water vapour then condenses to form little water droplets known as clouds. Clouds will then go through precipitation to form rain (water molecules get bigger and come together). rain will then fall to the ground and this cycle continues.

This is a good website for you to recap about water cycle.

Dear parents,

There are no supplementary lessons for next monday and tuesday (16 and 17 april). Do ensure that your students are not staying back unless for other school activities authorised by their teachers.

This week, we celebrated International friendship day. Hoped you had enriched yourself with knowledge of Africa, your theme for this year's P5 PW. Appreciate your life in Singapore but remember the poor out there. So work hard and remember to always improve yourself on your values and character in life. It is equally important.

I also would like to send out an important notice to parents. Recently, there has been a case in which certain students have been dabbling in games which involved a huge sum of money. Do check on your child's pocket money to keep up to date of any issues or problems. I am afraid that some of the students may have unnecessarily spent their money and yet, they are afraid to speak up. I am keeping the matter confidential until investigations have been fully carried out. Do monitor on your child's progress and guide them in any way you could.

Thank You,
Mr Nelson Ong.

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