Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Grading System

Dear all,

Here is the grading system of what I have stated in class earlier this morning.

A* 91 – 100

A 75 – 90

B 60 – 74

C 50 – 59

D 35 – 49

E 20 – 34

U 0 - 19

Ideally, you should end up with a grade C and above but as what I have mentioned, lets' be realistic. If you are very weak in a subject and not doing as well, the minimum you can go should at least be a D to be on the safe side. There is no fixed way of telling you how you would end up in foundation. We will be looking at your overall results and you should NOT have a U grade for any one subject.

If you are weak in a subject, make sure you try to get at least a D and the rest of the subjects should all pass. Know your own weakness and strengths and work hard. Now, you have a better idea of how it is like and the difference between foundation and standard. It is a blessing and your own hard work that got you to studying 4 standard subjects so do not waste it and drop into foundation. It is important that you all know the reality now and start to study hard.

For those who are not doing well in certain subjects, the best advice would be to make sure that you are 35 marks and above. Push your marks as high as you can.

I sincerely hope that all of you will do well for this SA2. These few weeks still have not shown me that all of you are serious about this examinations - the half-hearted efforts you have shown in your daily practice and listening attentively in class. You have one week left to change your studies for the better so make full use of it.

This weekend, I will be uploading some revision notes on Science - the common WRONG way of answering certain questions and the CORRECT way of answering. Compare these two and make sure that you do not make the mistake. You can print the notes out. It will be useful for your revision. It will be rather long.

Go through your practice papers as they are last year's SA2 papers and of high importance to you. Do it again and again until you are really familiarized with the topics and the ways of answering.

Study Hard,
Mr Nelson Ong

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