Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homonyms and homographs

Dear students,

New information for the day

We learned about homonyms and homographs for today's english lesson.

A quick recap.

Homonyms are words that spelt the same but have different meanings. E.g 'Duck' 'Duck', when used as a noun, refers to the animal.

However, 'duck' when used as a verb, means the action to avoid.

Homographs refer to words that are spelt the same but have different meanings and are pronounced differently.
E.g Rebel.


We recapped about cells and parts of the microscope. Remember to revise the parts of the microscope and their functions as this piece of information is extremely important.


- Science files and English files to be passed up.
- English dictation is tomorrow (13th jan)

Learning point of the day

- There can be more than one meaning to a word. Read the sentence and fit the correct meaning to the context. Do not be too quick to assume that one word has only one meaning.

- Remember, we are in this together. We will motivate and spur one another along, be it in studies or character building.

Mr Nelson Ong

1 comment:

  1. Hey, guys! If you try to comprehend the difference between these homo-words, I'd recommend you to visit this source where you can find plenty of easy to understand materials
